You fight back.  There's no way you are going to let this entity control you!  You push against this strange force and try to beat it.  You feel it receding!  No!  Wait!  You're lonely and you just pushed away your only chance at a friend.  Come back!  But it's gone and you have another lonely boring eternity before you.


A weird blue light shimmers and sparkles around you--sight!  You feel encased in splendour.


The sound of a glorious symphony fills the light.  It is rising in tempo and power towards some unknown finale.


It is all gone and you are empty, lonely and sad once more.  You feel your loss more powerfully now.  You want those senses back but you are absolutely helpless in this vast void.  If only you had eyes so you could cry--tears.


Salty hot liquid flowing all around you.  You feel it...feel as if it's everywhere.


Taste.  Salt.  Water.  Spice.


It's all gone.  What is happenening?  You are an emotional wreck.  You thought you were free but now you feel more like a captive.

Then...there is a question.  A quest.  A journey through realities. Anything!  Anything but this!  Please!  But you cannot decide your own fate.  The journey requires undertaking a burden, a promise, a mission.  Anything!  Please!

The presence returns.  All around you you feel it's warning GO AWAY!  GO AWAY!  YOU MUST NOT DO THIS THING!  But you want to get away from the nothing!  NO!  NO!  NO!  ONLY HARM WILL COME OF IT!  You are being pushed away again but at the same time pulled, welcomed by another entity.

By:  Kitty Brew

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